60GB PS3 user drüfen wegen AK aufatmen

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L05: Lazy
7 Apr 2007
PS one
The PS3 has never been equipped with either the CPU or GPU that were used in the original PlayStation, and the backwards compatibility for PS one titles has therefore been made available through software emulation from
the beginning. Therefore backwards compatibility for PS1 titles remains the same no matter how many times the model is changed.

On the other hand, backwards compatibility for PS2 titles is largely made possible through the use of actual semiconductors, supported by the PS3 system software. The 20GB and 60GB PS3 models launched in Japan and the USA were equipped with both the PS2 Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesiser chips and we could therefore guarantee over 90% backwards compatibility for PS2 titles.

The 60GB model launched in Europe was a new model (shared with the 80GB model launched subsequently in USA) which contains only a modified version of the Graphics Synthesiser chip from the PS2 and not the Emotion Engine chip. The European launch model therefore used a combination of software and the modified version of the PS2 Graphics Synthesiser chip to deliver backwards compatibility for PS2 titles. As a result the percentage of
backwards compatible PS2 titles was slightly reduced.

The 40GB model, to be launched in Europe on 10th October, is a new model and is not equipped with any of the semi conductors from the PS2, and backwards compatibility would therefore have to be achieved by software
emulation alone. The sheer numbers of PS2 titles available, together with the increased complexity of using a software only solution for each and every title means that to ensure accurate software emulation for the
majority would be technically challenging, time consuming and costly. As we have mentioned on several occasions, our engineering resources are now focused on developing new and innovative features and services for the PS3
and, as a result the 40GB model does not have backwards compatibility with PS2 titles.
The current PS3 system software and future updates will continue to support backwards compatibility for the current 60GB and 80GB models, and publishers can check their new PS2 titles to ensure they play on the 60GB
and 80GB models.

Keen gamers, for whom backwards compatibility is important, can still purchase the existing 60GB PS3 Starter Pack which contains an extra SIXAXIS controller, two first party titles and has extensive backwards
compatibility with PS2 titles.

yes ! eine 60gb muss her. Was glaubt ihr wie lange diese noch im handel erhälltlich sein wird ?
Schnell in den Laden rennen und 500€ für ne Konsole ausgeben, die keine gescheiten Games zu bieten hat, Hauptsache man kann PS2 Spiele zocken :rofl4:
-tekken 6 (wobei ich doa trotzdem geiler finde : D )

und so weiter und so weiter
Schnell in den Laden rennen und 500€ für ne Konsole ausgeben, die keine gescheiten Games zu bieten hat, Hauptsache man kann PS2 Spiele zocken :rofl4:

Sie hat einiges zu bieten, Uncharted Drake's Schicksal, Ratchet & Clank Tools of Destruction, Heavenly Sword, Assasins Creed, Call of Duty 4, MotorStorm, Lair, Resistance Fall of Man, Strangehold, Ridge Racer 7, Cane & Lynch, Haze, Pro Evolution 2008, Orangebox, Fall of Liberty, Fear, SingStar, Blazing Angels, God of War 3, Oblivion, Virtua Tennis 3, Fight Night R3, Ninja Gaid Sigma, Unreal Tournament 3, Folklore, KillZone 2, Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy XIII usw...

Dazu PS2 Kracher und JRPGs z.b. Final Fantasy XII, God of War 2, Okami, Shadow of the Colossus, Rogue Galaxy, Valkyrie Profile 2, Kingdom Hearts 2, Star Ocean - Till the End of Time, Tales of the Abyss, Dragon Quest VIII, Wild Arms 5, Persona 3 usw.

Man hat mehr als genug zum Spielen auf der 60Gb PS3 :)
Tolle Liste, nur ist 50% davon Multi, 30% noch nicht erschienen und die 20% rechtfertigen sicher keinen 500€ Kauf :-)
Wo troll ich denn ?
Habe keinen Grund zu trollen, finde die PS3 genau so "toll" wie X360 und Wii, jede Konsole hat derzeit noch viele Schwächen, deswegen steht bei mir auch noch keine rum.
Das Thema kann man doch auch den schon vorhandenen Threads weiterdiskutieren und ob sich die PS3 lohnt oder nicht ist auch nicht das Thema :)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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