Parappa creator officially creating Wii game, says other consoles are too big to sell
Why arent the PS3 and 360 selling well in Japan? Parappas daddy and NanaOn-Sha boss Masaya Matsuura says its because the damn systems are too big! The PS3 is just to large of a system to be appealing to the Japanese public, and the 360s power supply is too big for the Japanese to consider purchasing. His thoughts on Wii
Wii is a very good piece of hardware. Many talented people from Nintendo make great ideas for game hardware, of course. Already Ive been starting to think about Wii software, but its very hard sometimes. Because can you keep shaking the controller for hours? Players cant spend a long time on gameplay, so this can be tough. So I respect Nintendos activities, but for software designers like us, its very hard.
Mr. Matsuura is planning a one button game for the Wii, and said that work may begin soon. Mr. Matsuura also said that the publisher of this game may announce it soon.