The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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Hab mal eine frage...

und zwar kann man die downloadbaren demos oder auch GTHD zu 2 zocken?

weil ich mich als nich zwischen motorstorm und resistance zum launchkauf entscheiden kann :-?

Kann man dann resistance zuhause mit nem freund zocken? oder geht das auch nur online wie bei MS?
Cohen schrieb:
Also wenn ich mich richtig erinnere hat Resistance einen 2 Spieler Modus CoOPOffline, aber kein Online CoOP!

ja das stimmt
ich hab gehört der bildschirm ist beim coop modus vertikal und nicht horizontal geteilt stimmt das ??
Wie gesagt ich habe mal nur vertikale Splitscreens gesehen und ich kann mich auch gut rechtfertigen, denn war ja nur Erinnerung und horizontalen Splitscreen hab ich noch nicht gesehen bei Resistance (bis eben^^).

Aber somit ist doch alles im Lot, oder?
McBain schrieb:
1steffen1 schrieb:

hab auch noch nen screenshot wo es vertikal ist in erinnerung,lässt sich in den optionen aber sicher umstellen

wobei ich grad bei 16:9 fernseheren ne horizontale blöd finde

hab timesplitters 3 in 16:9 mit horizontaler teilung gespielt und hatte keine probleme damit. ich mag vertikale teilung nicht so richtig, weil ich dann immer noch das bild vom anderen mitspielr sehe :lol: :lol:

edit: 4 eu boxarts
Splinter Cell fans with a PS3 console have a new female spy character model to look forward to this March. A first to the series, a female spy character will be exclusive to the PS3's release of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent. PSM's February 2007 Issue has an exclusive look into the PS3's features of the game.

From PSM: "Having a female playable character in the game is something that we wanted to have since we started working on Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow," says Stephane Baudet (Studio Director at Ubisoft Annecy) "On Double Agent [for the Xbox 360], this idea was still present, but because of a lack of time we couldn't add it properly. Then when we started working on the PS3-specific content, the spy girl was at the top of our list. We really liked the idea because it really embraces the fact that the spy should be cat-like, very nimble."

To keep the multiplayer gameplay balanced, no stealth advantages have been given to the female spy character.

Features unique to the PS3 release include:

- Female spy multiplayer character
- Kinshasa Multiplayer Map
- Secret Base Mulitplayer Map
- SIXAXIS motion support (details not yet revealed).

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent is scheduled to hit the PLAYSTATION 3 worldwide in March 2007. Although the Xbox 360 version does not include the additional multiplayer features, there's always a possibility that they are released as downloadable content in the Xbox Live Marketplace. We'll keep you posted on any updates. Be sure to check out PSM's February 2007 for screenshots of the female spy character (picture Sam Fisher's spy outfit, blue googles (instead of green), scantily clad and with breasts).


The Blockbuster Stealth Action Franchise Coming to PLAYSTATION®3 System in March 2007 Paris, FRANCE – December 21, 2006 – Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announces that it will launch Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent™ on the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system worldwide in March 2007, in time for the European launch of Sony’s powerful new console.

Ubisoft will develop special features for the PLAYSTATION®3 system version, adding multiplayer maps and skins, as well as support for the SIXAXIS™ wireless controller in single player and multiplayer modes. Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent™ will be a perfect fit for the PLAYSTATION®3 system’s raw power.

“Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent is already a best-seller and has set a new standard for the Splinter Cell series,” said Yves Guillemot, CEO at Ubisoft. “I am sure that Double Agent will prove to be a must-have title for PLAYSTATION 3 system.”




Splinter Cell: Double Agent True NextGen Confirmed :D ;)
Sry für DP, aber da die News mit einer zu groß wird, mach ich es lieber so.

Neues zu Stranglehold

Here's a list of three things that are cool: video games, John Woo, and Chow Yun-Fat. Now, what if you took all three of those scientifically proven cool items and combined them into one? Assuming the universe survived the massive awesomeness explosion, you'd have Stranglehold, the upcoming action adventure game for the PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The game is a collaboration between Woo, the famed Hong Kong action director; Chow, the star of some of Woo's most revered bullet-ridden films; and game developer Midway. We recently had a chance to speak with Stranglehold game director Brian Eddy about how development is going on the title, the input of Woo and Chow on the game's direction, and some of the special butt-kicking moves that will be featured in the game.

GameSpot: Can you give us an update on how development is going?

Brian Eddy: Development is going well. All the major features are up and running in the game, and we are focused now mostly on creating content and polishing up the gameplay. We still have a lot to get done, but at this point the game is really fun to play and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

GS: How's it shaping up on both platforms?

BE: All platforms are looking very good, and the game looks great on the next-gen hardware. We don't anticipate the visual or gameplay experience being very different on either platform, so we think we will be able to satisfy PC, Xbox 360, and PS3 owners with Stranglehold.

GS: Has PS3 development gone better now that the console is out and the hardware is final?

BE: Yes, it is always easier to develop on final hardware, as you can begin locking down code that the game relies on without having to worry that things like the rendering pipeline will change out from under you. The PS3 version is looking great!

GS: Has the game changed since it was first announced? Is it still in line with what you all originally envisioned or has it evolved into something else?

BE: Stranglehold is 100 percent still in line with our original vision of the game. It's an action shooter that truly encapsulates the authentic cinematic John Woo experience, allowing players to engage in intense gun battles, while flowing seamlessly through environments and taking down enemies in a creative and stylistic way.

GS: Since the game has been known for a while, how much did fan reaction affect development?

BE: Well, since we have a lot of big John Woo fans on the team, I would say a lot! But how fan reaction off the team affected development, I would say the outflow of interest and excitement has helped to spur the team on to make the best, most authentic John Woo game possible. And all the teams' hard work is paying off, as we believe that Stranglehold is going to be the best action game on PC and next-gen hardware.

GS: Can you walk us through the new smart-bomb moves we're seeing and explain how they fit into gameplay? How vital was it to include Mexican standoff?

BE: We are going to be showing off three of our key Tequila-bomb moves:

Chow Yun-Fat will reprise his 'Hard Boiled' role as Inspector Tequila in the game.
Precision Aim - This allows players to go into first person where they can directly target critical hit points on an enemy to take them out with one-shot kills, or even focus on an element in the environment with precise aim, such as a propane tank causing a massive explosion in one area. It's also great for those guys hiding behind cover that may be hard to hit otherwise. We consider this to be a good long-range attack.

Barrage - This move unleashes a flurry of bullets at high speed that takes out any enemies (and their cover) that are in your path. This is a great focused frontal attack. If a bunch of enemies are running directly toward you, barrage is the perfect attack to take them out quickly. It's also a lot of fun to blow up the environment around the enemies to take them out with falling debris.

Spin Attack - This is a medium range 360 degree attack in the vein of the "smart bombs" in old arcade games that clear all the enemies in the immediate area surrounding you.

Each of these Tequila bombs has a specific tactical function. Precision aim for long-range enemies, barrage for straight-on frontal attacks, and spin for when enemies surround you.

Mexican standoff is a key stylistic feature of John Woo, so we knew we had to include it in some form. We've made it into a quick minigame of fast-action choices just like you would see in John Woo's movies.

GS: Have Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo played the game lately? What do they think?

BE: Chow Yun-Fat and John Woo are not big gamers, so they don't play games themselves very often, but they do review Stranglehold regularly and give very good comments on how to take the cinematics to the next level and help make the overall look and feel of the game true to the movies it is styled on.

GS: Can you tell us about the museum level you're showing off? What aspects of the game does it show off?

BE: The museum level is set in Chicago and features several exhibits that allowed us to have a variety of different and interesting objects to interact with and show off Stranglehold's Massive D. For instance, there is a room full of dinosaur fossils, like a brachiosaurus (looks a bit like a brontosaurus), that you can run up from tail to head and get to the second story of the room. But, of course, because everything in Stranglehold is destructible, if you linger too long on the brachiosaurus, enemy fire will bring it down with you on it. However, you can turn the tables on the enemies, as well, taking out even a large group of them if you open up on the brachiosaurus and make it collapse on them.

This kind of thing would have made 'Night at the Museum' so much better.
GS: What can you tell us about achievements or online in the Xbox game? Can we expect to see a Marketplace demo before it ships?

BE: All that we are saying right now is that we will have numerous achievements in the game and that we will support online. In terms of a demo before we ship, that is a possibility, but we cannot yet confirm it.

GS: Is there any unique content in the PS3 version?

BE: Stranglehold will feature virtually the same content across all three platforms (PC, Xbox 360, and PS3), but there may be some minor things we change or add for specific versions. For instance, we are hoping to take advantage of the PS3 Sixaxis controller.

GS: When is the game hitting stores?

BE: Stranglehold is currently slated to ship Summer 2007.

GS: Thanks for your time.





Sieht gut aus... vielleicht kommt ja irgendwann auch mal noch ein Max Payne 3... 8-)
das splinter cell babe macht auf jeden fall schon mal um einiges mehr her als furzbacke fisher :D
trotzdem nicht mein genre :)


heißt may payne nicht neuerdings alan wake? ;)
stranglehold hinterlässt einen ziemlich guten eindruck, das game wird rocken, bin auf material der außenlevels gespannt, da gab es afaik noch gar nichts von zu sehen
wird für die ps3 auf alle fälel gehot^^

wan nsoll es denn nochma in etwa in europa erscheinen?

und außerdem hoffentlich komtm es auch hier bei uns raus
frames60 schrieb:
Sieht gut aus... vielleicht kommt ja irgendwann auch mal noch ein Max Payne 3... 8-)

ich wage es zu behaupten, dass es sogar besser als max payne 3 (sofern es erscheint) wird. hab das preview in der neuen playzone gelesen und das spiel wird einfach nur :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
KingOfQueens schrieb:
frames60 schrieb:
Sieht gut aus... vielleicht kommt ja irgendwann auch mal noch ein Max Payne 3... 8-)

ich wage es zu behaupten, dass es sogar besser als max payne 3 (sofern es erscheint) wird. hab das preview in der neuen playzone gelesen und das spiel wird einfach nur :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
super, vielleicht wartest du mit solchen aussagen mal bis max payne draussen ist, gleiches gilt für stranglehold...
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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