Comic My little Pony: Friendship is Magic


L14: Freak
1 März 2005

Oh ja, richtig gelesen: My little Pony.
Aber nicht irgendeine My little Pony-Serie, sondern "Friendship is Magic", die neueste Adaption von Lauren Faust (u.a. Powerpuff Girls).

The latest in the long-running My Little Pony franchise, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is an all-too-rare example of how to update a retro cartoon the right way. It brings clever self-aware humor, a more streamlined art style, and strong characterization.

Und damit ist diese Serie die erste in diesem Franchise, die man sich auch angucken kann, wenn man kein kleines Mädchen ist. Ich habe es zunächst auch nicht geglaubt, aber der Humor, die Charaktere und das Design haben mich eines besseren belehrt.
Ich weiß, die Hürde ist groß, in so eine Serie überhaupt reinzugucken, aber wenn man erstmal drüber weg ist, dass dieses Franchise ursprünglich als kleine-Mädchen-Spielzeuge-Werbung gedacht war, wird man erkennen, dass es einfach eine ziemlich gute Serie ist.
Sie wird offiziell vom TV Sender Hub hochgeladen, kann aber auch sehr bequem auf Youtube geguckt werden.

Der Anstoß für mich, diese Serie zu gucken, war wohl folgende Szene, in der das scheue Pony Fluttershy durch einen Fluch belegt ihre Stimme "verlor" und genötigt wurde, zu singen:

Wobei sie ansonsten eher so ist:

Und wenn jetzt einer von euch sagt, das wäre nicht niedlich, dann verfolge ich ihn im Traum!

Dieser Thread soll dazu dienen, über My little Pony zu quatschen (=den anderen Bereich davon freizuhalten :ugly:), reaction images zu teilen und sich jeden Freitag auf die neue Folge zu freuen.
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wo bleibt der delfin thread :yeah2:

die erste episode habe ich mir sogar noch zu ende angesehen, aber ich glaube es ist mir dann doch zu süß :ugly:
könnte das ein mod mal kurz in das unterforum "popoklub" verschieben? :D hate, aber das wäre wohl selbst für mich zuviel des Guten xD

"Selbst für dich"? Guckst du so viele Mädchen-Cartoons? :ugly:

Jeder Hate wäre sogar berechtigt.


Wenn du damit ausdrücken willst, das sie die Frau von dem Macher von den Powerpuff Girls ist, hast du sogar Recht.

Sie hat auch mit dran gearbeitet, deswegen habe ich das jetzt nicht extra unterschieden.

könnte das ein mod mal kurz in das unterforum "popoklub" verschieben? :D

Hmm... vielleicht ist cw einfach noch nicht reif für diese Serie.

Wurde auch mal Zeit, dass dieses Meisterwerk einen eigenen Thread bekommt, auch wenn es schön war die Anime Watcher zu nerven.
Die neueste Episode war übrigens wieder durchwegs grandios, absolutes Highlight war trotzdem:
YAYE!!!!!!! Pony Thread! :cheers:

Alle Zweifler sollten wirklich mal einen Blick reinwefen. Die Serie ist wirklich charmant und witzig!
Auch ich hatte Zweifel, wurde aber wieder auf den richtigen Pfad gebracht. Den Ponys sei dank!

Toffi. aber wieso hast das beste video vergessen? :mad:

DAS und "Winter Wrap-Up" brauch ich unbedingt als MP3! :happy2: :chill:
Winter wrap up
Pinkie Pie's No Fear Song
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Das MLP auch im Reallife eine Quelle der Kraft sein kann, beweist dieser Post (frisch von Ponychan)
I have something to say that has been bugging me since it happened. I'm posting this because I can't think of anywhere else to post it. I need to tell someone, and since I have no one but you guys, I'm posting this here. Yes there are ponies, and no there is no tl:dr.

so here is some back story on my life.
I had an abusive stepfather. there are many memories from watching him get drunk to beating me, to beating my mother, and a lot of other fucked up shit he did. We were constantly moving around, never staying in one place for long so there was no way I could make friends. This lasted since I was born for 8-9 years. I remember this one time, I was 6-7 and I was cowering in the corner of the basement, looking up, watching him beat my mom because she got in the way to stop him from beating me. I can never get this out of my head, and every once in a while I get a flashback of it and others randomly.

It has been 12 years since I’ve seen this him. 4 months ago He found one of my siblings FB accounts, and he wanted to see us. Skipping a lot of details, They all went, and my mom even forgave him. I stayed home wondering why they would even bother trying to forgive him. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. He wanted to see us again, especially me. He was begging practically, asking for forgiveness for what he's done and such. Only me, my bro, mom, and new stepdad went, to meet him at a restaurant. I thought with all the support with me I'd be able to handle the encounter better. I took my headphones, I decided for some reason to take the rainbow dash toy from mcdonalds with me, and kept her in my pocket.

We arrive at the restaurant and get out when I find out that only me and my brother are going in, and mom and stepdad were going across the street to wait for me. All the confidence I had built up suddenly disappeared. I felt like rainbow dash before the young flyer competition. I must have made this apparent on my face even though I tried to hide it, because my mom tells me that it isn't too late to go back. I reached for my pocket and held onto rainbow dash. I say fuck it, we're already here in as normal a tone as possible but in my mind I'm terrified. We enter the restaurant, turned the corner and there he is sitting at the table.

He saw us, turns around spots us, gets up and comes toward us and then hands out his hand for a handshake. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs, to grab a chair and beat him with it, to grab a steak knife off of one of the customer’s plates and stab him. But I didn't. I just took the handshake, while barely being able to look at him directly in the eyes, my other hand was in my pocket tight around rainbow dash. It took absolutely every fiber of my being to go and keep looking into his eyes without bursting into tears. He bought the buffet for us and I got a plate of food and I tried to eat.

Here I am sitting in front of the guy that used to torment and beat me just because I walked through the door, and I realize I’m basically eating lunch with him. nothing about the experience was enjoyable. normally I can eat anything but The food for some reason tastes like shit and I can't eat. It feels like every bite makes it harder to keep composure. He starts trying to make small talk trying to get into what I've been up to. He even tries bringing up some "good times" from back then. I couldn't hold it anymore. I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. I get into the farthest stall and I cried. 21 year old male, and here I am crying my eyes out silently in a bathroom stall. I now know the feeling when someone says or you read "and it felt like hours when it was only minutes" kind of thing. Because I felt like I was in there crying for hours. I hit play on my phone and listened to pinkie pie giggle at the ghostly, while I washed my face, trying to cover up that I was crying. the song finished and I headed back outside.

He went and tried talking again, trying to sound friendly and saying that he's sorry and he wished it didn't happe---bullshit. What happened next was the scariest and possibly the bravest thing I've ever done.

I cut him off mid sentence, sat up straight, looked at him straight in the eyes. I told him how many shrinks I've had to go to, how hard it's been to simply make conversations with people But I said all this to him as calmly as I could muster. I retold him of some of the beatings. remembering almost every detail, I even told him the time of day and how much sun was coming in through the window. I told him the many times I wanted him dead and how even right at this moment I wanted him dead. I told him all of this while looking straight at him, gripping rainbow in my hand, my body shaking from fear and adrenaline. The entire time I was there my brother didn't say a word and just let me talk. I got up from the table and left somehow managing to keep it together long enough to get outside before sobbing uncontrollably heading to the car.

The car ride home I broke down. I pulled my hand out of my pocket, and realized that I was squeezing the rainbow dash toy so hard, that it was perfectly indented onto the skin on my hand. I put on my headphones, had giggle at the ghostly on loop trying hard to listen to the words, but couldn't. All the while I was petting rainbow dash. At first I couldn't and kept crying scared out of my mind from what I just did, while trying to giggle and chortle and everything pinkie pie said to do. The song kept going and I was still petting rainbow dash and trying to sing along. Eventually I had calmed down enough to hear...

"she said, pinkie you gotta stand up tall, learn to face your fears"

It took me a little while to realize it. Slowly but surely I giggled, chortled, whooped it up, cracked up, practically yelling the lyrics while laughing, petting rainbow dash and even messing with her hair. I realized right then, that I got dressed for, ate lunch with and while looking him straight in the eye, told off my greatest fear, to his face.
Das MLP auch im Reallife eine Quelle der Kraft sein kann, beweist dieser Post (frisch von Ponychan)


Traurige Geschichte, aber ich würde mir sicherlich nicht anmaßen zu behaupten, MLP würde sowas möglich machen. Sofern die Story stimmt, hat sich der junge Mann das alles selbst erarbeitet und den nötigen Mut gefasst. Dass Rainbow Dash dabei in seiner Tasche war und er Pinkie Pie gehört hat war wohl eher Zufall.

Aber deswegen bin ich nicht hier.


Heute neue Folge!
Bis dahin:


In Dauerschleife! :ugly:
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