Bloodborne HBO TV Show


L20: Enlightened
18 Sep 2016
Omg .... its happening


Last week we talked about the return of Norman Osborn to the MCU. This week, we’re talking about Sony’s film plans for their Souls (Dark Souls, Demon Souls) franchise, and in particular, Bloodborne.

An early version of the script exists along with some concept art, both of which I’ve seen. The story will be similar in structure to movies like Dread or The Raid, with the protagonist set with a seemingly simple task but has to work through a series of battles with enemies. Each episode of the proposed 8-episode season sees the protagonist fighting a boss from the game in the climax. Between what I’ve seen in the script and of concept art, these will be visual feasts for the eyes, and in keeping with the Souls brand of bloody violence.

Sollte auch noch ne TV Show zu den anderen Souls Titel erscheinen, währ das natürlich perfekt.
Und bitte nutzt die geniale Lore und stellt diese als Thema in den Vordergrund und macht nicht nur einen gore action flic mit Boss Battle draus.

Aber bei HBO bin ich da zuversichtlich
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