Over at Razoric it’s a little bit “he said, she said” on how Sony plans to combat the Nintendo’s Revolution, but it’s definitely worth mentioning. What the tipster, a guy who claims to work for Adobe/Macromedia, said is certainly interesting considering the strange leak earlier today. Today’s earlier news speculated that God of War 2 would release for the PS2 in Feb. 2007, this indicates Sony may plan to keep the PS2 alive and well instead of retiring it when PS3 arrives.
So with that in mind, here’s how Sony plans (according to this dude) to combat the Revolution: “Got some PS2 info if you’re interested too. Sony intend to make it their ‘Revolution Killer’. They’re working on tying in Eyetoy and some kind of controller similar to the Revolution controller. With a 100M+ userbase, tens of thousands of mature and documented dev kits and the very low cost of producing Rev style games on the PS2 platform they’re expecting to mobilise another 50M units over the next 5 years precipitated by a $99 price point in 2007.”
For now, it’s all rumors and little birds telling stories, so there’s not a whole lot of concrete information to build truth on.
But that doesn’t make it any less interesting, does it?