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Ich muss zugeben, das wäre schon ziemlich verlockendHerfoor schrieb:Die Technische Barriere wird immer kleiner und der Faktor um den sie sich verkleinert wird von Generaion zu Generation ebenfalls immer kleiner. Imo ist es nur logisch das es langsam Zeit wird den Fokus auf ein anderes Element der Videospiele zu richten als nur die Technik. Auch ganz besonders weil der Preis für den Technik Sprung extrem hoch ist und imo nur eine "kleine" verbesserung mit sich bring(Den Satz kann man jetzt ganz leich falsch verstehen wenn man will, aber ich denke mal ihr seid alle klug genug um zu wissen dass ichdamit nicht sagen will das die Xbox 360 Grafik schlecht ist oder so) Das Preis/Nutzen Verhältnis gerät hier imo schon langsam ins wanken. Deshalb denke dass Nintendo mit ihrer Revolution Strategie einen ganz guten Weg geht.
Dem denk ich nicht so!
Wie schon oft gesagt, die Technik soll man nicht nur auf die Grafik einschränken! Oder würdet ihr euch nicht einzelda wünschen, was Möglichkeiten bietet wie z.B ein Oblivion oder Gothic3??
Unterschiede wird es geben....jede Menge!
Meinst du etwa den wo gesagt wurde dass die Revo CPU auf 1GHz Getaktet sein soll? Das sagt ja etwa so viel aus wie die Pferde Stärken eines Fahrzeugs. Daraus kann man imo noch nicht viel herauslesen. Ein Golf ist auch schneller als ein TraktorNeSS schrieb:Hat den jeder von euch den IGN Artikel verpennt?
zeaLoT schrieb:wie soll man so ein kleines ding mit high end chips denn kühlen ?
Herfoor schrieb:Wenn man bedenkt, was für eine GPU der Macmini hat, kleine Festplatte, welche CPU, dann weiss man, wo sie eben an Platz gespart haben...
Next year will be a big one for gamers. If all goes according to plan, the battle among the next generation of home consoles will fully develop, with Sony releasing the powerful PlayStation 3 and Nintendo introducing the Revolution with its funky gyroscopic controller.
Microsoft will try to satisfy more of the unfulfilled demand for the Xbox 360. Game publishers will try to rebound from a disappointing 2005 with fresh megahits. Players, who enjoy the luxury of all these companies panting for their business, will continue to vote with their wallets.
But today is New Year's Eve, time for a look back at 2005. In my last column I asked readers to write in with their impressions of the year in gaming. I asked about games that surprised you, companies that angered you and about your top gaming moments. Before getting to your answers, here are some of mine.
Regular readers of this column know that I play a lot of World of Warcraft, the online PC game that recently topped five million subscribers. W.O.W. certainly has taken more of my time this year than any other game. Last month, my guild became the first on our server to defeat the black dragon Nefarian and his minions in Blackwing Lair, currently the game's most difficult dungeon. Dozens of my guildmates have spent thousands of hours working up to and through these encounters, so while the battles are virtual, the sense of collective human accomplishment is quite real. And the cool thing is that the game is still growing and adding new challenges for longtime players.
But I already knew I liked online role-playing games, so World of Warcraft didn't surprise me at that level. The game that most surprised me was God of War for PS2. I never knew that I really liked console action games. After playing God of War, now I do. The fighting is exciting and the level design clever, but what I found most impressive was how accessible it is while sacrificing nothing in the oomph department.
But enough about me. Dozens of you generously took time to write. Here are edited excerpts from some of your e-mail messages.
"After 25 years of enjoying games on all sorts of gaming machines, I find the gaming industry to be banal and lacking in creativity. I remember a time when I would wake up early before school just to play a game and make it to the next level. Ninety-five percent of all games today can't come close to generating that excitement. "I think the main problem is the sheer amount of digital entertainment vying for our attention. Movies, DVD's, television shows, Xbox games, PS2 games, PC games - it's all too much to take in. Combine that with the fact that most of the product on the market today is terribly boring or simply rehashes of the Grand Theft Auto games, and you have a recipe for disaster. If the industry execs want to continue receiving my dollars, they had better up the ante and stop putting garbage on store shelves. Gamers are becoming jaded and with good reason. There are far too many things to occupy my valuable time, and I'm sure there are many gamers who echo my sentiments." ROB MOLOCH
"My biggest surprise of the year has been the Nintendo DS. I went from being utterly disinterested in the system to playing it more than any other console this year, including my Xbox 360. The run of solid games it has had nonstop since E3 has been extraordinarily impressive, and sales figures for the machine seem to suggest plenty of others agree. Nintendo needed something to make up for waning GameCube sales until Revolution rolls along, and it looks like they've found it." CHRIS REMO
"I spent two months counting down the days to Nov. 22 to get the Xbox 360. I wasn't going to camp out and wait for hours. Still don't have one. I'm getting all the good games (Quake 4, Call of Duty 2, etc.) for the PC and will wait for PS3. Gave up on 360." CSABA VEGSO
"To tell the truth, I wasn't really impressed by any games this year. However, I was angered by several companies - mostly because of the Xbox 360 launch fiasco. There can be no doubt that the responsibility for the shortage of units lies largely with Microsoft, but the problems lately have been exacerbated by greedy, insensitive retailers. So, yes, I am mad at Microsoft. However, my anger at them comes from frustration. Frustration that they so brilliantly created demand for a product which they could then not supply. "My real anger is at the retailers around the country who have only made the problem worse by their greed, selfishness and insensitivity." HILARY LEE
"More and more it seems that the frat boys have taken over video games. Don't get me wrong, I think that there are great things to be said for the mainstreaming of video games. If for any single reason, it means more women will take interest. With more women playing and designing games, hopefully we'll see some interesting work. In the meantime we're seeing a glut of games that pander to the lowest common denominator. How many Madden football games do we need anyway? The game industry gets a lot of comparison to the movie industry, but I wonder if it will look more and more like the music industry did in the 90's with a strict dichotomy between corporate and indy rock. Honestly, I really hope that's the case. Can you imagine having a video game publisher akin to a Thrill Jockey, Merge or Dischord Records?" SHAWN BOLES
"I think the Revolution, more importantly Nintendo's Revolution games, will help fix the drought of 2005. The PSP and Xbox 360 are one and the same - too little, too late. I'm so sick and tired of spec sheet comparisons. Graphics comparisons. Music download comparisons. Give me something new. Why should I talk about Nintendo? Well, they're the only company doing video games 24/7. They're also the world's best video-game software company, and their hardware always works. If anybody is going to follow their muse and innovate, it's them." DOUG ALTENWEG
"As to my favorite gaming moments of the year: I'm tempted to cite my first online Perfect Dark Zero sessions on Day 1 of the Xbox 360, when there was a palpable sense of collective intoxication brought on by the potential of the new console and the way it took online console game play to a whole new level. However, that can't compare to the thrill of my first fight with one of the titular monsters in Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2, a moment of stunning immersion that made it clearer than ever to me that while reiterations of familiar formulas may be enjoyable, nothing can compare to a game that's bold enough to do something new." ANDREW JOHNSTON
Next time, on Jan. 14: a report from the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Until then, please write to Tell me what you're really looking forward to in 2006. Happy New Year.
NeSS schrieb:Hat den jeder von euch den IGN Artikel verpennt? :-?
NeSS schrieb:Ich habs satt ständig zu hören "oh der revolution wird nicht so schwach; man wird eh keinen unterschied sehen; size doesn't matter", sry aber sowas kotzt jeden an der nur einen Funken Ahnung von der Materie hat.
Sollten die Spec-Details von IGN stimmen, und ich gehe derzeit 99% davon aus, dann wird man zwischen XBOX1 und Rev einen minimalen Unterschied sehen, wenn überhaupt.
Was Nintendo sich dabei gedacht hat, ist mir ehrlich gesagt eh egal, kaufen werde ich es eh nicht.
Und ich frage mich noch immer ob man da von einer echten NextGen Konsole reden kann, im klassischen Sinne natürlich.
Diese Frage hast du dir doch sonst immer selbst beantwortetNeSS schrieb:Und ich frage mich noch immer ob man da von einer echten NextGen Konsole reden kann, im klassischen Sinne natürlich.
Sponkman schrieb:Diese Frage hast du dir doch sonst immer selbst beantwortetNeSS schrieb:Und ich frage mich noch immer ob man da von einer echten NextGen Konsole reden kann, im klassischen Sinne natürlich.![]()
Och NeSS, jetzt reg dich doch nicht gleich so auf ^^NeSS schrieb:Ich habs satt ständig zu hören "oh der revolution wird nicht so schwach; man wird eh keinen unterschied sehen; size doesn't matter", sry aber sowas kotzt jeden an der nur einen Funken Ahnung von der Materie hat.
Sollten die Spec-Details von IGN stimmen, und ich gehe derzeit 99% davon aus, dann wird man zwischen XBOX1 und Rev einen minimalen Unterschied sehen, wenn überhaupt.
Was Nintendo sich dabei gedacht hat, ist mir ehrlich gesagt eh egal, kaufen werde ich es eh nicht.
Und ich frage mich noch immer ob man da von einer echten NextGen Konsole reden kann, im klassischen Sinne natürlich.