3.Playstation 3 - NUR Playstation 3

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WEr schon immer mal ne weiße PS3 haben wollte hier gibt es eine und ne Anleitung wie man sie macht^^



Sieht sehr nice aus, aber mir gefällt die Schwarze dann doch besser^^
Darji schrieb:
WEr schon immer mal ne weiße PS3 haben wollte hier gibt es eine und ne Anleitung wie man sie macht^^



Sieht sehr nice aus, aber mir gefällt die Schwarze dann doch besser^^

:o *lecker*

Ich habe jetzt übrigens das Geld zusammen mir ne PS3 zum Launch zu kaufen....aber wenn ich mir das Teil so anschaue warte ich auf die Weiße :D
mach dir dann doch sleber eine. Sooo schwer scheint das ja gar nicht zu sein^^
Sieht einiges geiler aus, als die Schwarze... Wenn ich darauf jetzt noch MarioGalaxy und MP3 zocken könnte, wär sie gekauft ;)
Pappnase schrieb:
Sieht einiges geiler aus, als die Schwarze... Wenn ich darauf jetzt noch MarioGalaxy und MP3 zocken könnte, wär sie gekauft ;)

Wenn schon ein Bash, dann überleg dir einen seriöseren! ;) :rolleyes:
Pappnase schrieb:
Sieht einiges geiler aus, als die Schwarze... Wenn ich darauf jetzt noch MarioGalaxy und MP3 zocken könnte, wär sie gekauft ;)
warte drei JAhre dann gibt es einen Wii emulator auf der PS3 :P ;)
PS3 as a Blu-ray Player" Review


The PS3 unequivocally earns its keep as a BD player for a home theater environment, although the non-gamers among you will certainly want that optional Blu-ray Disc remote. It's not quite good enough on standard DVD playback to unseat very good, up-to-date, standalone DVD players, but in all other respects it earns top scores.

Compared to Samsung's BD-P1000 and (briefly) Sony's BDP-S1 as BD players, the PS3 is superior in absolute picture quality to the former, and more than holds its own with the latter. And it kills both in terms of startup and disc access speed and overall ergonomic prowess and stability. It's just bullet proof, and aside from being the coolest looking piece of gear ever, it's the only next-gen player so far that behaves like one in every respect. And of course, its connectivity and audio decoding features are tops too, although you really need an AVR or pre/pro equipped with HDMI 1.1, or later, to unleash its potential.

All of the above would be enough to earn the PS3 a rave review as a BD player even if it were on par with the prices of the standalone BD players. But it's not- even the upscale $600 PS3 is by far the least expensive BD player available.

The PS3 performs like hell and is one of the best deals going. Not that I'd kill or injure someone over one, mind you, but I'm not sure I'd judge anyone who does too harshly after living with it. My thumb's way up on this one- PS3 rocks!

Excellent image quality with Blu-ray
Lightning fast disc loading and access speeds
Superior connectivity to standalone BD players with HDMI 1.3 and Wi-Fi
Superior audio decoding capabilities with 7.1-channel Dolby TrueHD
Software upgradeble plaform- it could keep getting better!

SIXAXIS wireless controller as remote control will give non-gamers fits
Very soft DVD playback
Lacks ability to upconvert DVDs and 720p games to 1080i/p
No multichannel analog outs- you must have HDMI 1.1 or later in your AVR or pre/pro to take full advantage of its audio capabilities
Darji schrieb:
PS3 as a Blu-ray Player" Review


The PS3 unequivocally earns its keep as a BD player for a home theater environment, although the non-gamers among you will certainly want that optional Blu-ray Disc remote. It's not quite good enough on standard DVD playback to unseat very good, up-to-date, standalone DVD players, but in all other respects it earns top scores.

Compared to Samsung's BD-P1000 and (briefly) Sony's BDP-S1 as BD players, the PS3 is superior in absolute picture quality to the former, and more than holds its own with the latter. And it kills both in terms of startup and disc access speed and overall ergonomic prowess and stability. It's just bullet proof, and aside from being the coolest looking piece of gear ever, it's the only next-gen player so far that behaves like one in every respect. And of course, its connectivity and audio decoding features are tops too, although you really need an AVR or pre/pro equipped with HDMI 1.1, or later, to unleash its potential.

All of the above would be enough to earn the PS3 a rave review as a BD player even if it were on par with the prices of the standalone BD players. But it's not- even the upscale $600 PS3 is by far the least expensive BD player available.

The PS3 performs like hell and is one of the best deals going. Not that I'd kill or injure someone over one, mind you, but I'm not sure I'd judge anyone who does too harshly after living with it. My thumb's way up on this one- PS3 rocks!

Excellent image quality with Blu-ray
Lightning fast disc loading and access speeds
Superior connectivity to standalone BD players with HDMI 1.3 and Wi-Fi
Superior audio decoding capabilities with 7.1-channel Dolby TrueHD
Software upgradeble plaform- it could keep getting better!

SIXAXIS wireless controller as remote control will give non-gamers fits
Very soft DVD playback
Lacks ability to upconvert DVDs and 720p games to 1080i/p
No multichannel analog outs- you must have HDMI 1.1 or later in your AVR or pre/pro to take full advantage of its audio capabilities

Kann jemand mal vielleicht kurz zusammen fassen was in dem Test steht?
So ihr Sony Fans, ihr habt mich erwischt..verdammt ;)

Kann selber nicht mehr warten und habe mir heute eine PS3 Reservation aufgegeben. Jetzt gehöre ich dann auch zur Multi Fraktion und besitze schon jetzt meinen ersten Blue-Ray Film (auf weihnachten bekommen) Ice Age 2.
So, die kommende Woche will es Sony nochmal wissen!

Sony hat bei der Flugesellschaft XXXXX 8-) 5 Komplette Flugzeuge gechartert die PS3 Konsolen nach Japan schaffen!

Nintendo kann sich warm anziehen!
Also ganz ehrlich, optisch fand ich die Playstation 3 noch nie so besonders, aber die Weiße rockt gewaltig :o !
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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