2. Grand Theft Auto IV

Ähm, PS3 und regionalcode free und so?
Edel eben, hab meine auch für 45 Euro aus Canada bestellt. Besser gehts net.

Auf jeden Fall. :goodwork:

@ Hasselhof
Das die PS3 region free ist ist dir aber schon bekannt oder??

Nein ich kriege es nicht zum Release aber ich bezahle dann wenigstens nur 45€ und kann mir somit mehr Games kaufen. :o :scan:
IGN Preview ist online :scan:, ein paar bilder.







IGN Preview

For the first time, Rockstar gave us hands-on access to both the PS3 and 360 versions of GTA IV. The good news is that no matter which system you prefer, you're going to have a great-looking game to play. There are only some minor visual differences noticeable between the two preview versions. The 360 build is brighter and has slightly more vibrant color while the PS3 build has less aliasing issues. Both display a solid, consistent framerate even during scenes with heavy pedestrian traffic and wild explosions. While graphics whores will find subtle differences to nitpick, the average Joe is going to be happy with either version.

Once on top of the perps, we were treated to a cutscene explaining the ass kicking and then thrown into GTA's hand-to-hand combat system. Whereas in the old games it was all about pounding a button and watching your character swing, specific actions are now mapped to specific buttons. Niko can punch, kick, head butt and block and you can choose in what order he does what moves. As one of the goons wailing on Roman stepped up to challenge us, we began swinging and kicking with style. If we timed our button presses correctly when the goon swung, we could reverse the punch and do some damage.

GTA 4 will take roughly 100 hours to finish, Rockstar has told VideoGamer.com.

During our visit to Rockstar's London HQ for a hands-on with 2008's biggest game, we asked a spokesperson how long it would take to finish the series' next-gen debut. The answer: about 100 hours, if you take your time.

"If you're not in a rush and you answer the phone when it rings it'll take about 100 hours to complete", we were told. "It's harder to distinguish between main and side missions - there are loads of both. But there are more main missions than side missions. It's not as clear cut as it used to be because of the phone."

In GTA 4 main character Niko's phone is used to call computer-controlled characters, arrange drinking sessions, sort out dates with women and call in jobs. It'll also be the portal through which players will access GTA 4's multiplayer, on which there is currently little info.

Game of the gen :aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh:

During our visit to Rockstar's London HQ for a hands-on with 2008's biggest game, we asked a spokesperson how long it would take to finish the series' next-gen debut. The answer: about 100 hours, if you take your time.

"If you're not in a rush and you answer the phone when it rings it'll take about 100 hours to complete", we were told. "It's harder to distinguish between main and side missions - there are loads of both. But there are more main missions than side missions. It's not as clear cut as it used to be because of the phone."

100 stunden?^^

sdcheinbar gibt es auch kleine unterschiede.

360 Version heller
PS3 Version weniger alaising probleme.
Dieser Text ist vor allem für mich auch sehr wichtig :):

Both display a solid, consistent framerate even during scenes with heavy pedestrian traffic and wild explosions.

das ist mir natürlich auch sehr wichtig

hier weitere previews :scan:


heute ist ein schöner tag :party:



das habe ich schon geposted ;-)

und @ all bitte keinen War anzetteln, der thread soll diesmal offen bleiben.
DAs ist doch kein war sind halt nur unteschiede. Aber die neuen Bilder und Infos sind wirklich genial. ^^
Das mit den Farben schon wieder :lol:
Ich hab hier nen perfekt eingestellten Sony Bravia stehen,da sind die Farben immer im optimalen Bereich... ;-)
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